eloise smith (fencer) in Chinese
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- eloise
- 埃洛伊塞; 艾萝依
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- fencer
- n. 1.剑术师,击剑家。 2.篱笆匠。 3.能跳过篱笆的马。 短语和例子 a good fencer 善于越过篱笆的良马。
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- eloise midgen
- 爱洛伊斯 米德根
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- smith
- n. 1.史密斯〔姓氏〕。 2.Adam Smith 亚当史密斯〔1723-1790,英国经济学家〕。 n. 1.铁匠,冶工,锻工;金属工匠。 2.〔通常用以构成复合词〕…的制造者。 短语和例子 〔cf. goldsmith 金匠,silversmith, 银匠; tunesmith 作曲者〕。
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What is the meaning of eloise smith (fencer) in Chinese and how to say eloise smith (fencer) in Chinese? eloise smith (fencer) Chinese meaning, eloise smith (fencer)的中文,eloise smith (fencer)的中文,eloise smith (fencer)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.